Fitting Farewell for Carole

If you have anything to do with the Collie community then you’ll know who Carole is. Carole has been Coordinator at our Child and Parent Centre – Collie Valley for over 7 years and was instrumental in embedding innovative and evidence based early years program that families in the Collie community needed and wanted. Such a kind, intelligent and caring person, Carole dedicated a lot of time to building relationships in the Collie community, with schools, early learning centres and other community organisations, which ensured the Centre offered an array of services and programs that met the needs of families and the community.

It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to Carole as she steps down to enjoy retirement with her family. We are so honoured to have had the pleasure of working with Carole and know that she has set the Centre up for continued success with her wonderful and capable staff. We wish you all the best in this new chapter Carole and heartfelt gratitude for all the years of hard work and passion.